Treaty of Peace with Germany

To be signed in Moscow, Russian Federation on 9th of May 2025

Whereas the Allied Powers, The United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, represented by the Russian Federation, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, including their associated powers and the German Reich, meaning Germany as a Whole in the borders of the 31st July 1914, hereinafter referred to as “Germany” are resolved that henceforth their relations shall be those of nations which, as sovereign equals, cooperate in friendly association to promote their common welfare and to maintain international peace and security, and are therefore desirous of concluding a Treaty of Peace which will settle questions still outstanding as a result of the existence of ceasefire since 08th May 1945 following a state of war between them;

Whereas it is understood by the parties to this treaty that the so called “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (‘2+4 Treaty’)” of 12th September 1990 is void, since neither a provisional Federal Republic of Germany under occupation law nor a provisional German Democratic Republic under occupation law could have legally negotiate the borders of “Germany as a whole”, and that this remains the sole preserve of the people of the German Reich, or rather their international legal representation, and that Likewise, only the latter can sign peace treaties with other states or create peace treaty regulations;

And, Whereas Germany will not seek compensation for occupied territories for as long as the states occupying these territories are members of the European Union and as long as the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union is in force and fully implemented in those states occupying German territory;

And, Whereas the Treaty of Versailles shall herewith be superseded by this Treaty of Peace with Germany and all rights of Germany as a sovereign nation state be restored and not be subject to Articles 53 and 107 of the UN charter any longer even if those clauses had not applied to the German Reich in the borders of 31st July 1914;

And, Whereas Germany for its part declares its intention to apply for membership in the United Nations and in all circumstances to conform to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations ; to strive to realize the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; to seek to create within Germany conditions of stability and well-being as defined in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations and already initiated by post-surrender Germany legislation and in public and private trade and commerce to conform to internationally accepted fair practices;

Whereas the Allied Powers welcome the intentions of Germany set out in the foregoing paragraph;

Now therefore, the parties to this treaty herewith declare the state of war and the ceasefire of the 8th of May 1945 be terminated for good under the predicament of the Potsdam Agreement of 1st August 1945 and by this treaty conclude peace between the parties to this treaty without any further conditions and any kind of side-agreements who, after presentation of their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Chapter I: PEACE

Article 1

 (a) The state of war between Germany and each of the Allied Powers is terminated as from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force between Germany and the Allied Power concerned as provided for in Article 23.

 (b) The Allied Powers recognize the full sovereignty of the German people over Germany and its territorial waters.


 Article 2

 (a) Germany, recognizing the independence of all peoples, renounces all right, title and claim to the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Czechia, the Republic of Slovakia, the Republic of Austria, the French Republic, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Denmark, provided the aforementioned states remain part of the European Union and duly implements the Lisbon Treaty.

 (b) Germany renounces all right, title and claim to Königsberg, referred to as “Kaliningrad” and “Kaliningrad Oblast” provided an Agreement for Special Relationship between Russia and Germany, hereinafter referred to as “Druzhba and Mir Agreement” providing for rights of German nationals to reside, live, work, operate businesses in Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad Oblast alongside like equal citizens with the Russian population allowing for dual citizenship for all inhabitants of Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad Oblast.

(c) Germany renounces all right, title and claim to the territory known at that time as “Deutsch Südost – Afrika”, today’s United Republic of Tanzania, and to the territory known at that time as “Deutsch Südwest – Afrika”, today’s Republic of Namibia.

(d) Germany renounces all right, title and claim in connection with the League of Nations Mandate System and accepts the action of the United Nations Security Council of April 2, 1947.

(e) Germany renounces all claim to any right or title to or interest in connection with any part of the Antarctic area, whether deriving from the activities of German nationals or otherwise.

Article 3

 (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (V) of this Article, the disposition of property of Germany and of its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2, and their claims, including debts, against the authorities presently administering such areas and the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, and the disposition in Germany of property of such authorities and residents, and of claims, including debts, of such authorities and residents against. Germany and its nationals shall be the subject of special arrangements between Germany and such authorities. The property of any of the Allied Powers or its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2 shall, in so far as this has not already been done, be returned by the administering authority in the condition in which it now exists. (The term nationals whenever used in the present Treaty includes juridical persons.)

 (b) Germany recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Germany and German nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Article 2.

 (c) German-owned submarine cables connecting Germany with territory removed from German control pursuant to the present Treaty shall be equally divided, Germany retaining the German terminal and adjoining half of the cable, and the detached territory the remainder of the cable and connecting terminal facilities.


 Article 5

 (a) Germany accepts the obligations set forth in Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular the obligations to settle its international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered ;

 (b) to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations;

 (c) to give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the Charter and to refrain from giving assistance to any State against which the United Nations may take preventive or enforcement action.

 (d) The Allied Powers confirm that they will be guided by the principles of Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations in their relations with Germany.

 (e) The Allied Powers for their part recognize that Germany as a sovereign nation possesses the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence referred to in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and that Germany may voluntarily enter into collective security arrangements.

 Article 6

 (a) All occupation forces of the Allied Powers shall be withdrawn from Germany as soon as possible after the coming into force of the present Treaty, and in any case not later than 90 days thereafter. Nothing in this provision shall, however, prevent the stationing or retention of foreign armed forces in German territory under or in consequence of any bilateral or multilateral agreements which have been or may be made between one or more of the Allied Powers, on the one hand, and Germany on the other.

 (b) All German property for which compensation has not already been paid, which was supplied for the use of the occupation forces and which remains in the possession of those forces at the time of the coming into force of the present Treaty, shall be returned to the German Government within the same 90 days unless other arrangements are made by mutual agreement.


Article 7

 (a) Each of the Allied Powers, within one year after the present Treaty has come into force between it and Germany, will notify Germany which of its pre-war or post-WWII bilateral treaties or conventions with Germany it wishes to continue in force or revive, and any treaties or conventions so notified shall continue in force or be revived subject only to such amendments as may be necessary to ensure conformity with the present Treaty. The treaties and conventions so notified shall be considered as having been continued in force or revived three months after the date of notification and shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations. All such treaties and conventions as to which Germany is not so notified shall be regarded as abrogated.

 (b) Any notification made under paragraph (a) of this Article may except from the operation or revival of a treaty or convention any territory for the international relations of which the notifying Power is responsible, until three months after the date on which notice is given to Germany that such exception shall cease to apply.

Article 8

 (a) Germany will recognize the full force of all treaties now or hereafter concluded by the Allied Powers for terminating the state of war initiated on September 1, 1939, as well as any other arrangements by the Allied Powers for or in connection with the restoration of peace. Germany also accepts the arrangements made for terminating the former League of Nations and Permanent Court of International Justice.

 (b) Germany renounces all such rights and interests as it may derive from being a signatory power of the Conventions of St. Germain-en-Laye of September 10, 1919, 1 and the Straits Agreement of Montreux of July 20, 1936.

(c) Germany declares its readiness promptly to enter into negotiations for the conclusion with each of the Allied Powers of treaties or agreements to place their trading, maritime and other commercial relations on a stable and friendly basis.


 Article 9

 (a) It is recognized that Germany should not pay any more reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. It is also recognized that during the occupation by the Allied Powers, industrial goods, machinery and technology as well as intellectual property such as patents had been confiscated by Allied Powers in compensation of Germany’s obligation to reparation which is now being seen as sufficient.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in the present Treaty, the Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers, other claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of any actions taken by Germany and its nationals in the course of the prosecution of the war, and claims of the Allied Powers for direct military costs of occupation.

Article 10

 (a) Germany waives all claims of Germany and its nationals against the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of the war or out of actions taken because of the existence of a state of war, and waives all claims arising from the presence, operations or actions of forces or authorities of any of the Allied Powers in German territory prior to the coming into force of the present Treaty.

 (b) The foregoing waiver includes any claims arising out of actions taken by any of the Allied Powers with respect to German ships between September 1, 1939, and the coming into force of the present Treaty, as well as any claims and debts arising in respect to German prisoners of war and civilian internees in the hands of the Allied Powers, but does not include German claims specifically recognized in the laws of any Allied Power enacted since September 2, 1945.

 (c) Subject to reciprocal renunciation, the German Government also renounces all claims (including debts) against Germany and German nationals on behalf of the German Government and German nationals, including inter-governmental claims and claims for loss or damage sustained during the war, but excepting (a) claims in respect of contracts entered into and rights acquired before September 1, 1939, and (b) claims arising out of trade and financial relations between Germany and Germany after September 2, 1945. Such renunciation shall not prejudice actions taken in accordance with Articles 5 and 9 of the present Treaty.

 (d) Germany recognizes the validity of all acts and omissions done during the period of occupation under or in consequence of directives of the occupation authorities or authorized by German law at that time, and will take no action subjecting Allied nationals to civil or criminal liability arising out of such acts or omissions.

Article 11

Germany will take all necessary measures to ensure such disposition of German assets in Germany as has been or may be determined by those powers entitled under the Protocol of the proceedings of the Berlin Conference of 1945 to dispose of those assets, and pending the final disposition of such assets will be responsible for the conservation and administration thereof.


Article 12

If in the opinion of any Party to the present Treaty there has arisen a dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by reference to a special claims tribunal or by other agreed means, the dispute shall, at the request of any party thereto, be referred for decision to the International Court of Justice. Germany and those Allied Powers which are not already parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice 1 will deposit with the Registrar of the Court, at the time of their respective ratifications of the present Treaty, and in conformity with the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, dated October 15, 1946, 2 a general declaration accepting the jurisdiction, without special agreement, of the Court generally in respect to all disputes of the character referred to in this Article.


Article 13

(a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Germany, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Germany and by a majority, including the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, represented by the Russian Federation, as the principal occupying Powers, of the following States, namely the French Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Czech Republic, The Republic of Slovakia, The Republic of Romania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Denmark. The present Treaty shall come into force for each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.

(b) If the Treaty has not come into force within nine months after the date of the deposit of Germany’s ratification, any State which has ratified it may bring the Treaty into force between itself and Germany by a notification to that effect given to the Governments of Germany, the Russian Federation and the United States of America not later than three years after the date of deposit of Germany’s ratification.

Article 14

All instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America and the Russian Federation which will notify all the signatory States of each such deposit, of the date of the coming into force of the Treaty under paragraph (a) of Article 13, and of any notifications made under paragraph (b) of Article 13.

Article 15

For the purposes of the present Treaty the Allied Powers shall be the States at war with Germany, or any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 13, provided that in each case the State concerned has signed and ratified the Treaty. Subject to the provisions of Article 11, the present Treaty shall not confer any rights, titles or benefits on any State which is not an Allied Power as herein defined; nor shall any right, title or interest of Germany be deemed to be diminished or prejudiced by any provision of the Treaty in favour of a State which is not an Allied Power as so defined.

Germany will be prepared to conclude with any State which signed or adhered to the United Nations Declaration of January 1, 1942, 1 and which is at war with Germany, or with any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 13, which is not a signatory of the present Treaty, a bilateral Treaty of Peace on the same or substantially the same terms as are provided for in the present Treaty, but this obligation on the part of Germany will expire three years after the first coming into force of the present Treaty. Should Germany make a peace settlement or war claims settlement with any State granting that State greater advantages than those provided by the present Treaty, those same advantages shall be extended to the parties to the present Treaty.

Article 16

The present Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Governments of the United States of America and the Russian Federation which shall furnish each signatory State with a certified copy thereof.

IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty.

DONE at the city of Moscow this eighth day of May 2025, in the English, Russian, French languages, all being equally authentic, and in the German language.

For and on behalf of the German Reich in the borders of 31st July 1914, the chairman of the German People’s provisional constitutional Assembly “Deutschlandkongress” formed under Article 146 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic in Germany:


For and on behalf of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, the President of the Russian Federation:


For and on behalf of the United States of America, the President:


For and on behalf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, HM King Charles III:


For and on behalf of the French Republic, the President:   



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