Category: Peace Treaty

  • Speech by Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid more up-to-date than ever before

    On September 8, 1948, Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid, a Social Democrat, gave the following speech to the Parliamentary Council. On September 13, 2024, we submitted petition 172544 to the German Bundestag requesting that the speech be played in full in the plenary session of the German Bundestag in front of all members of parliament and…

  • Rede von Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid

    Rede von Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid

    Am 8. September 1948 hielt Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid vor dem Parlamentarischen Rat folgende Rede. Wir haben beim Deutschen Bundestag am 13. September 2024 per Petition 172544 beantragt, die Rede vollständig im Plenum des Deutschen Bundestages vor allen Abgeordneten abzuspielen und danach eine offene Debatte zu ermöglichen. Carlo Schmid Grundsatzrede vor dem Parlamentarischen Rat…

  • After 1945 peace treaty still missing

    After 1945 peace treaty still missing

    A comment by Deutschlandkongress – Chairman Ralph T. Niemeyer “The Federal Republic of Germany is a state governed by the rule of law,” is what all politically correct people say when they want to emphasize that the GDR was an “unjust state” or an unjust regime. But then, in my view, the following happened: With…